Lithocarpus turbinatus

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus turbinatus


Tree 5-12 m, c. 30 cm ø, usually crooked; Branchlets initially densely rufous-tomentose by stellate hairs, later subglab rous, sturdy with thick nodes, yellowish grey, smooth to finely fissured; Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, (6-) 8-12(-15) by (2-)3-6(-8) cm (index 1.6-2.8), broadest below or at the middle; Stipules linear-acute, 1½-2 by ½-⅔ mm, soon caducous. Inflorescence male, female, androgynous or mixed, densely fulvous to rufous tomentose by stellate hairs; Fruit ellipsoid-globose, 5-6 cm long, 4-5 cm ø;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sabah present), Mt Kinabalu present, N. Sarawak present
Malesia: Borneo (N. Sarawak, and several localities in Sabah, especially on Mt Kinabalu).


Though the young cupules are in clusters of 3-7, at maturity only one or two are fully developed, the others remain abortive and sometimes may be seen at the base of the well-developed cupule(s).


SOEPADMO 1970 – In: Reinwardtia. p 284