Lithocarpus jordanae

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus jordanae


Tree 5-12 m, 20-30 cm ø; Branchlets initially densely set with yellowish brown to fulvous velvety, simple and adpressed stellate hairs, later glabrous, dark greyish brown, finely fissured and densely lenticellate; Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, (4-)6-8(-10) by (3-)4-5(-6) cm (index (1.3-)1.7(-2)), broadest at or below the middle; Stipules ovate-acute, 4-5 by 2-3 mm, longitudinally ribbed and rather long persistent. Inflorescence male or androgynous, densely yellowish to fulvous stellate hairy;


Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Luzon present
Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, rather common).


VIDAL 1814, placed by STAPF (1894) under his Quercus havilandii, belongs here.


A. CAMUS 1954: p. 981. – In: Chênes. t.
SOEPADMO 1970 – In: Reinwardtia. p 250
Merr. 1908 – In: Philip. J. Sc. Bot. 322
LAGUNA 1923 – In: En. Philip. p 27
VIDAL 1886: Rev. Pl. Vase. Filip. p 265