?Lithocarpus debaryana
When WARBURG described this species from E. New Guinea, he did not indicate any particular specimen on which he based his new species. He described the leaves as 18 by 9 cm, and the cupule 4 cm long, 3½ cm ø, narrowed at the base and covering the fruit almost completely. MARKGRAF mentioned WARBURG 20584 (consisting of one leaf and one fruit) from Sattelberg in the NE. part of New Guinea as the type, and added HELLWIG 515, also from Sattelberg. Both specimens were lost during the World War II. Among the later collections from the same area, CLEMENS 11360 (Eot-Wonimbu, Morobe Distr.) is the only specimen of which the cupules and fruits agree with WARBURG'S description. The cupule and nut show some resemblance in size to those of 38. L. lauterbachii (VON SEEMEN) MARKGR. but are clearly different. It seems a good species but more material is needed for its proper definition of the inflorescence and foliage. The leaves (collected from a basal shoot) are, however, much smaller than those described by WARBURG, the largest being 12 by 5 cm.