Myristica velutina

Primary tabs

Myristica velutina


Tree 4-10 m. Leaves charta-ceous or thinly coriaceous, (obovate-elliptic-)oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 10-23 by 2.5-8 cm, base attenuate or narrowly rounded, apex acute-acuminate; Inflorescences between the leaves, ± of the Knema-type: a (sub)sessile or to 4 mm pedunculate scar-covered knob-like brachyblast up to 5 mm long, ± glabrescent; Fruits solitary or in clusters of up to 5, ovoid(-oblong), 2.5 by 1.5(—2) mm, apex ± acute, often narrowed into 2 mm long style-remnant, base rounded or sometimes shortly narrowed, hairs persistent, mealy, rusty, 0.1 (-0.2) mm;


Asia-Tropical, mountains of W Central Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: mountains of W Central Papua New Guinea; there are two subspecies.


Resembling M. subalulata but differs in the absence of ant-swellings in the twigs, in the short male flower pedicels, and persistent bracteole. Myristica velutina is fairly homogeneous in habit, leaf-texture and colour, and general features of the twigs. However, an analysis of the male flowers of Ledermann 12802a (in L) and those of the later collections, show rather pregnant differences, a reason to accept two subspecies. Possibly the description by Markgraf (1. c.) was based on specimens belonging to the present subspecies velutina, testified e. g. by the mentioned long range in length of the perianth, 6-9 mm. The fruits were described (Ledermann 11395a) as globose, diameter 2.5 cm, and possibly fresh fruits are proportionally broader than those found in dried collections.


W. J. de Wilde 1995 – In: Blumea. p 339