Myristica fallax

Primary tabs

Myristica fallax


Tree 15-20 m. Leaves thinly membranous, (oblong-)lanceo-late, 7-14 by 2-4 cm, base cuneate, apex acute-acuminate; Fruits solitary, ovoid-ellipsoid, 3.5-4(-4.5) by 2-2.7 cm, apex rounded, base broadly rounded, glabrous (when immature with pale rusty scurf of scale-like hairs less than 0.1 mm, soon glabrescent), rusty brown;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present), E Kalimantan present
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, E Kalimantan).


3 Several tiny, slenderly built specimens (including some with immature male flowers and inflorescences with comparatively long peduncles) now inserted under M. iners, link up with M. fallax; this should be given attention during future investigations. 1 Myristica fallax is a satellite species of the variable M. iners and comes close to the type of M. vordermannii, which goes as a delicate form under M. iners. Myristica fallax is distinguishable by its slender twigs and small, thin, membranous, dark-coloured leaves. Infructescences are long with a slender peduncle, fruits are small, 3.5-4 cm, and early glabrescent. Specimens of M. fallax are reminiscent of M.fragrans. 2 I have not seen the type of M. fallax, Beccari 1590 (Sarawak, Mt Mattang) in FI; the description of the male inflorescences and flowers above is based on Warburg (I.e.).


Warb. 2000 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 461
Merr. 1921: Enum. Born. p 269
W.J. de Wilde 1997 – In: Blumea. p 166