Myristica lasiocarpa

Primary tabs

Myristica lasiocarpa


Tree 10-12 m. Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, 10-16 by 3-5 cm, base attenuate, apex acute-acuminate; Inflorescences (from infructescences) between the leaves, of the Knema-type; Fruits solitary ellipsoid, 4.5 by 3.5 cm, base slightly attenuate, hairs conspicuous, ± thick and shaggy rust-coloured 2(-3) mm;


Asia-Tropical, Morobe Prov., Kuper Range area present, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea (Morobe Prov., Kuper Range area); knowi only from the type.


Myristica lasiocarpa is similar to M. chrysophylla mainly in its conspicu ously shaggy-pubescent fruits, but it differs markedly from the latter in its long fruiting pedicel. Myristica chrysophylla is a lowland species with a wider distribution in about the same area.