Myristica fatua

Primary tabs

Myristica fatua


Tree 10-25 m. Leaves membranous or chartaceous, elliptic (-oblong) to (oblong-)lanceolate, 15-40(-50) by 4.5—15(—18) cm, base cuneate to slightly rounded, apex acute(-acuminate); Inflorescences between the leaves or below, of the Knema-type; Fruits solitary or 2 together, broadly ellipsoid or ellipsoid(-oblong), 4-7 by 3-5.5 cm, hairs dense, velvety, rust-coloured, 0.5-1 mm;


Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present); Sulawesi (Sulawesi present), S Philippines present, SE Borneo present, W New Guinea present
Malesia: SE Borneo (occasional), Sulawesi, S Philippines, Moluccas, and W New Guinea. There are two subspecies which resemble each other in general appearance.


2 Myristica fatua is taxonomically close to M. inutilis andM. subcordata (both common in New Guinea), the latter with two subspecies. Myristica inutilis differs in smaller and narrower male buds, only shallowly cleft into lobes. Myristica subcordata var. mor-indiifolia is similar to M. fatua, but has a narrow male bud with early falling bracteole; the male flowers of M. subcordata var. subcordata are as yet unknown. 1 Sinclair accepted M. fatua in a very broad sense, including the Indian M. magnifica as one of the many varieties, and several varieties in New Guinea. Here M. fatua is accepted to be confined to the Moluccas, Sulawesi, and the Philippines. It is allied to M. mindanaensis and M. sangowoensis, both with different distributional areas.


W.J. de Wilde 1997: p. 242. – In: Blumea. p 166
J. Sinclair 1968 – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. p 268
W.J. de Wilde 1990: p. 242. – In: Blumea. f. 1: 3
Miq. 1864: p. 205. – In: Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. p.p., incl. var. macrocarpa
Backer & Bakh. f. 1964 – In: Fl. Java. p 139
Warb. 1897: Mon. Myrist: 425. t. 11
W.J. de Wilde 1995: p. 242. – In: Blumea. p 279