Myristica mindanaensis
Tree 10-20 m.
Leaves membranous or chartaceous, (obovate-)elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 14-35 by 6.5-16 cm, base narrowly rounded or cuneate, apex acute-acuminate;
Inflorescences between the leaves or below, of the Knema-type:
Fruits solitary or paired, ovoid-ellipsoid, (2.5-)3-3.5(-4.5) by 2-2.5(-3) cm, apex often shortly beaked, hairs scurfy, pale or dark brown, 0.1-0.2 mm, partly (late) glabrescent;
Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present); Philippines (Philippines present), Mindanao present
Malesia: Philippines (Mindanao); Moluccas.
3 The papillose lower surface of the leaves is especially apparent in Moluccan specimens from Bacan, Obi, Halmahera, and Seram.
LA lowland species, differing from M. fatua in usually distinctly ridged twig apices, much less developed indumentum on flowers and lower leaf surface (old leaves glabrescent), short indumentum on leaf bud (hairs 0.1 mm long or less), smaller fruits with very short indumentum, and somewhat smaller flowers, opening at anthesis to only c. 1/3 (but see note 2).
2 The male buds in the type and in other specimens from Mindanao are cleft as deep as nearly halfway, in other material (e.g. Kuswata & Soepadmo 57, Seram) the buds are more slender, opening at anthesis only to 1/4-1/3.