Myristica bialata

Primary tabs

Myristica bialata


Tree 8-30 m. Leaves membranous or (thinly) chartaceous, (obovate-)oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 18-52 by 6-22 cm, base rounded or shallowly cordate, apex acute-acuminate; Inflorescences among the leaves or below, of the Knema-type, indumentum minute, glabrescent; Fruits 1-6 per infructescence, (sub)sessile, ± fusiform or ellipsoid, 5-7 by 3.5-4.5 cm, minutely mealy brown pubescent, glabrescent;


Asia-Tropical, Papua New Guinea present, lowland areas of Manus I. and Bismarck Archipelago present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea (lowland areas of Manus I. and Bismarck Archipelago); two varieties.


3 Specimens from a small area in West New Britain differ from the type species in the extremely short hairs on perianth, ovary, and (immature) fruits, and are recognized here as a separate variety, var. brevipila. 2 Fresh fruits are ovoid or nearly globose (from field-notes and the figure in Peekel, 1. c); apparently the ± juicy pericarp shrinks on drying. 1 Myristica bialata was included in M. subalulata by Sinclair and Foreman , but this inclusion is unwarranted. Both species have winged twigs that may contain ants, but the flower of M. subalulata has a deciduous bracteole, and fruits 1.5-2(-2.5) cm. Myristica bialata generally is a larger tree (to 30 m tall) as compared to M. subalulata. Myristica hollrungii is a similar species, but with twigs not or less distinctly lined, smaller flowers, and smaller fruits. The collection NGF 43453 (Bagabag I.) has large fruits to 5 cm and approaches M. bialata, but is here included in M. hollrungii. Compare also M. verru-culosa.


W.J. de Wilde 1995: p. 264. – In: Blumea. f. 1, 2a
Peekel 1984: Fl. Bismarck Arch, (transi. Henty): 185. f. 302
K. Schum. 1898 – In: Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. p 117
Warb. 1897: Mon. Myrist. p 483
W.J. de Wilde 1998: p. 264. – In: Blumea. p 171
K. Schum. & Laut. 1900: Fl. Schutzgeb. Siidsee. p 326
Markgr. 1935 – In: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. p 159