Myristica womersleyi

Primary tabs

Myristica womersleyi


Tree 20-27 m. Leaves coriaceous, ovate-oblong or oblong(-lanceo-late), 12-21 by (3-)4-9 cm, base short-attenuate or rounded, apex acute(-acuminate); Inflorescences (from infructescences) between the leaves or below, of the Knema-type: Male and female flowers not known. Fruits subsessile, single, below the leaves, globose, 6-9 cm diameter, hairs dense, ± rough, dark brown, 0.5-1 mm;


Asia-Tropical, Eastern Highlands Pro v.: Mt Michael, and Mt Piora endemic, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea (a local endemic of Eastern Highlands Pro v.: Mt Michael, and Mt Piora).


2 According to Foreman (I.e.) this species is, although restricted in its distribution, locally quite common. In the Mt Piora area the seeds of M. womersleyi are used as a bait in kapul (possum) traps. The seeds also are a possible source of spice and oil, as already noted by Sinclair, I.e. 1 Resembles M.fusca and M. sphaerosperma in general habit and inflorescences, taxonomically closest related to the latter. Myristica fusca is distinguishable by the papillose lower leaf surface; M. sphaerosperma differs e.g. in the irregularly papillose lower leaf surface and a longer fruiting pedicel (7-15 mm). Myristica womersleyi also resembles M. chrysophylla with similar leaves, but that species has different fruits, 2-4.5 cm long, with 2-5 mm long yellow brown hairs.


W.J. de Wilde 1995 – In: Blumea. p 343
Foreman 1978: p. 215. – In: Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea. f. 84,93