Myristica warburgii

Primary tabs

Myristica warburgii


Tree 3-20(-25) m. Leaves membranous or thinly coriaceous, elliptic(-oblong) or oblong-lanceolate, base attenuate, apex acute(-acuminate), 6-16 by (1.5—)2.5—5.5 cm; Inflorescences between the leaves or below, of the Knema-type: a sessile or to l(-2) mm pedunculate simple or forked scar-covered brachyblast to 4 mm long, late glabrescent (hairs 0.3 mm), Fruits solitary or 2 or 3 together, long-stiped, often axillary to leaves, broadly ellipsoid, sometimes fusiform, (1.5-)2-4 by 1.5-2.5 cm, apex rounded or narrowed, often somewhat acute with up to 2 mm long beak, base tapered or ± rounded and contracted into 2-5(-7) mm long pseudostalk, hairs dense, mealy, brown, 0.1-0.2 mm or less;


Asia-Tropical, Central and East New Guinea present
Malesia: Central and East New Guinea; there are 3 subspecies.


Most specimens of the present species were included by Sinclair (1968) in M. longipes. However, M. warburgii is more closely related to M. flosculosa and M. laevifolia, as also appears from the keys. Myristica laevifolia differs in its more coriaceous leaves, smaller hairs on the leaf bud, smaller male flowers, more elongate, glabrescent fruits, and occurs generally at higher altitudes, 1000-1800 m. Myristica flosculosa differs in e.g. leaf bud with hairs 0.1 mm or less and smaller male flowers.


W. J. de Wilde 1995: p. 341. – In: Blumea. f. 9