Myristica subcordata

Primary tabs

Myristica subcordata


Tree (5-)10-30 m. Leaves membranous, chartaceous, or subcoriaceous, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 12-35(-40) by 4-14 cm, base (short) cuneate, rounded, or shallowly cordate (frequently so in var. subcordata and morindiifolia), apex acute-acuminate; Inflorescences between the leaves or below, of the Knema-type: a short, simple or forked, scar-covered brachyblast (in male) up to 15 mm long, sessile or to 5 mm long pedunculate, with short rusty indumentum, glabrescent; Fruits single or in clusters of 2 or 3(-5), (ovoid-)oblong, rarely sub-globose, (3.5-)4-5.5 by 2.5-3.5 cm, hairs (dark) rusty, ± flocculose, 0.1-0.5(-l) mm;


Asia-Tropical: Bismarck Archipelago (Bismarck Archipelago present); New Guinea present
Malesia: throughout New Guinea (incl. theBismarck Archipelago).


1 A variable species in which tentatively four varieties are distinguished. The type variety is upheld for those specimens which (almost) match the original type specimens. Provisionally, most material which falls outside var. subcordata sensu stricto is merged into the very variable var. morindiifolia. Of var. subcordata male flowers are still unknown; those described by Sinclair (I.e.: 308) pertain to a specimen now under M.fatua. Additional explanatory notes are given under the varieties. Myristica subcordata varies in general habit and in details of flowers and fruits, e.g. in length of hairs of indumentum and length of the fruiting pedicel. It has solid twigs, and no ant-inhabitation. Stout specimens, especially of var. morindiifolia, may be confused with certain myrmecophilous species. The taxonomic status of var. gigacarpa and var. rimosa is provisional. Of these two varieties male flowers are lacking, and they may represent separate species; perhaps var. rimosa may be a variety of M. verruculosa. 2 The varieties subcordata and morindiifolia were accepted by Sinclair (I.e.) as different varieties under his broad concept of M. fatua. From Miquel (1865) onwards, the original two species described by Blume (1837) have been mostly regarded as particularly closely related, and treated under one name, M. fatua p subcordata. In the present treatment M. subcordata is accepted as a distinct species beside M. fatua, following Warburg (1897: 420).


W.J. de Wilde 1995 – In: Blumea. p 333